Looking for a premium micro cultivation contract?
Micro cultivation contract opportunities are not all the same. Many newcomers to the industry do not understand the different marketing options available for their products and the grants that go with them. We offer an array of contracts from the leading cannabis producers in Canada. We are looking for the best growers out there. Do you grow now and have a brand you are proud of? Opening a new operation? We want to talk to you and get you started in the legal cannabis production system today!
Fall 2021 Update: Micro cultivation contract
We are currently buying flower crops from outdoor and indoor growers in Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba and BC when possible. Pre sell your crop and get it picked up, or dry and sell us premium flower. Call or email today and we wil get back to you in 24 hours!
Looking for a craft growers license?
In Canada the micro cultivation license covers this for commercial use. Have you grown before? Can you hit 22% THCV everytime? It is a hard business right now. There are many barriers to entry. Even with a craft grow license, you can only sell bulk flower B2B. You need a processing license to package units of cannabis. This can restrict operations abilities to adapt. Changes to the market right now happening regularly. You need the power to adapt or your business will suffer.
What is Micro Processing license Canada?
A Micro-processing licence allows you to possess, transport, research, develop, store and destruct, as well as allowing for the intra-industry sale of products to other federal licence holders, as well as provincially- and territorially-authorized sellers, according to Health Canada.
Looking for a craft grow license?
In Canada the craft grow license is the micro cultivation license allows you to grow only. No sales other than B2B. You will be a craft grower, but will you be able to sell your product as you need to. Make sure you understand what it takes to sell cannabis at each level in Canada. B2B, bulk, packaged, provinical , it all has different rules and licenses needed. They do not come as a package. Missing one license can ruin a company.
Are you a craft grower in Ontario?
Want to be a craft grower Ontario? It is not easy or cheap. It takes a long time and is very expensive.
Looking for micro cultivation license BC?
Get a micro cultivatiokn license BC. Call us today for a free discussion on the market and your plans to be different. Make sure you will be able to compete. Learn what market prices are. Do not get this part wrong. The market prices suck right now. Be Prepared or face losses.
Looking for micro grow license Ontario?
Getting a micro grow license Ontario is the same as anywhere in Canada. Apply for a micro cultivation license.
Need a Micro Growers license?
This is a micro cultivation license in Canada. You will need a processing license to be able to package and sell flower. Be careful of this.
Craft cannabis growers wanted!
Leading Licensed producers are looking for cannabis growers in all areas of Canada and our contracts offer the highest returns for your product. Do not give away your hard work. Get the most for your fine cannabis products and build a brand for your company that matters in the new industry. Only a few short years ago the craft beer market was nonexistent and today we have a strong marketplace with hundreds of producers operating profitable businesses in this sector. Join the cannabis boom early! Contact us today
What can I produce with a micro license?
Depending on which licenses you obtain determines which cannabis products you can produce. There are two micro licenses for cultivation and production(processing). The cultivation license allows growing and selling cannabis flowers, while the production license allows the produced products to be used to create value-added products such as oils, butter, and edibles. We offer contracts for both licenses and our clients pay the top prices for premium grade products.
Email us today if you have questions or call us at 226-289-9333
Trying to get a Micro Cultivation Contract?
Looking to set up a micro grow? Please send information on your facility. We have clients currently seeking contract grow sites for 2022. Brands always need new products and strains. Do you have them?
Contact our sales team Now!
Or list on the Rebel Cannabis Exchange and sell it yourself.
Micro cultivation licenses must meet the following criteria:
- Only one license at each address
- Producers must follow Good Production Practices. GPP is self compliant.
- You need a facility built but not fully equipped.
- For micro-cultivation, plant surface area cannot exceed 200 m2 (includes multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged)
How much does it cost to start a micro grow?
Cannabis Micro Cultivation Business Plan Template
A good business plan and pitch deck convey business goals and strategies, market analysis, operating plan, organizational structure and financial information. It is not easy to get this right. Let us help you. One mistake ruins it all. Many have already gone bankrupt. Set yourself up right. Get the information you need. Call and start the conversation. Who will you sell to? Are you allowed with a micro license? Rebel Cannabis knows the answer. We do not want to see you fail. We want the industry to be great. That takes great producers.
Who is the best micro cultivation consultant I can hire?

Telephone No.2262899333